
The RCIDA is set up to streamline the entire process of relocation, expansion or creating a new development.

We can help connect you with area workforce hiring and training opportunities, locate available state and local incentives, efficiently channel building permits, provide statistical information, secure quality service accounts and deliver a whole range of other services.

The RCIDA Board draws its members from key areas of the county's business and industrial community, with executives representing the areas of finance, public utilities, construction, telecommunications, agriculture, development, education, and business. They have a single purpose: to give your business a foundation for success in Russell County.

Board members do not stop working for your company when production begins. We will help troubleshoot problems that may arise two, three or ten years after the doors open. Our facilitation efforts have led to streamlined expansions, service and infrastructure upgrades and equitable problem resolutions for area businesses and industries.

The RCIDA is here to work for you. Whether you employ 30 or 3,000, it is in our interest that your company remains viable and productive in Russell County.

Russell County Industrial Development Authority board meeting in progress.

RCIDA 2025 Meeting Schedule

Month Day Time Location
 January  21  8:30 AM  DUO Broadband, Jamestown
 February  18  8:30 AM  DUO Broadband, Jamestown
 March  18  8:30 AM  DUO Broadband, Jamestown
 April  22  8:30 AM  DUO Broadband, Jamestown
 May  28  8:30 AM  DUO Broadband, Jamestown
 June  17  8:30 AM  DUO Broadband, Jamestown
 July  22  8:30 AM  DUO Broadband, Jamestown
 August  19  8:30 AM  DUO Broadband, Jamestown
 September  23  8:30 AM  DUO Broadband, Jamestown
 October  21  8:30 AM  DUO Broadband, Jamestown
 November  25  8:30 AM  DUO Broadband, Jamestown
 December  No Meeting  No Meeting  No Meeting



• Ample Acreage
• Build-Ready Pad
• Opportunity Zone
• Food & Bev Shovel-Ready

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Homegrown & International Industries Generating Market Success in Russell County


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• Lake Cumberland, Kentucky
• Low Cost of Living
• Rural Simplicity
• Kentucky Trail Town Designation
• Excellent, Modern Schools