Morgan Pierstorff, Executive Director, European Representative Office and Evelyn Simmler, Business Development & Research Manager, European Representative Office of the Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development met with members of the RCIDA on Wednesday to discuss opportunities and ideas to expose Russell County to more potential businesses in Europe. Both have experience and connections with the European business community, especially in Germany.
Board members Tom Preston and Scott Pierce along with Executive Director Bennie Garland and members of the RCIDA marketing team shared the latest developments and advantages of Russell County while gaining valuable insights on marketing our region to overseas interests.
After viewing the RCIDA's marketing video, discussing the strengths and potential of Russell County, and touring the county's industrial sites, both Pierstoff and Simmler agreed that the county should be an attractive site, especially with currently holding the state's only Food and Beverage shovel-ready certification. The Cabinet for Economic Development is tasked with marketing all regions of Kentucky to industrial interests, but being able to highlight our local advantages face-to-face with these officials keeps Russell County top of mind. Community strengths like water capacity, gigabit Internet, available property and buildings, the technology college under construction, the low cost of living, the rural landscape, and Lake Cumberland make Russell County a desirable location.